Music! The reason hypo records was born!

"Letter Lettre" is Les Chouettes latest release (September 15th) so click below to stream, share and download!

Letter Lettre

Les Chouettes

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Letter Lettre

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During the first wave of the plague Krista Muir sent an unfinished song that became "Ha Ha Happiness" to Fran Ashcroft in the UK. He added the fuzz guitar and Les Chouettes was BORN! They've been musical pen pals and collaborators ever since. Their new 5-song EP "Letter Lettre" is coming out on their 3rd Anniversary - SEPTEMBER 15th!

The power of

During the first wave of the plague Krista Muir sent an unfinished song that became "Ha Ha Happiness" to Fran Ashcroft in the UK. He added the fuzz guitar and Les Chouettes was BORN! They've been musical pen pals and collaborators ever since. Their new 5-song EP "Letter Lettre" is coming out on their 3rd Anniversary - SEPTEMBER 15th!

The power of letter writing is great so grab your pen and paper and send someone a letter - a crush, a friend, your municipal commissioner about that pothole that nearly sent you flying off your bike last week. It's amazing what a pen, paper and a stamp can do...

(We've attached a hi-res download of our postcard so you can print and send as you wish!)

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